
You can install clustergram from conda-forge with conda or mamba or from PyPI with pip:

mamba install clustergram -c conda-forge


pip install clustergram

This will install only the required dependencies (pandas, matplotlib), but you still need to install your selected backend (scikit-learn and scipy or cuML).

mamba install scikit-learn scipy -c conda-forge

For installation of cuML, please refer to the RAPIDS.AI documentation.

If you want to use interactive plotting of clustergrams, you will also need Bokeh.

mamba install bokeh

From source#

If you prefer to use development version, you can install it from GitHub with pip or clone and install a local copy.

pip install git+

Or clone and

cd clustergram
pip install .

Development environment#

If you want to have all the tools (except RAPIDS), you can use environment-dev.yml.

conda env create -f environment-dev.yml